What does it mean when a judge stays an order?

What does it mean when a judge stays an order?

The act of temporarily stopping a judicial proceeding through the order of a court. A stay is a suspension of a case or a suspension of a particular proceeding within a case. A judge may grant a stay on the motion of a party to the case or issue a stay sua sponte, without the request of a party.

What is status quo in legal terms?

Status Quo-: the existing state or condition. Maintaining Status Quo on property. If a court orders maintain the status quo on the property it means that two components of the property that comes under the purview of status quo one is the possession and other is the title.

How do you vacate an interim injunction?

Provided that if in an application for temporary injunction or in any affidavit supporting such application a party his knowingly made a false or misleading statement in relation to a material particular and the injunction was granted without giving notice to the opposite party, the Court shall vacate the injunction …

What does it mean to vacate an injunction?

To vacate a court order or judgment means to cancel it or render it null and void. A person may vacate property voluntarily or involuntarily through the issuance of an eviction order by a court.

What does it mean to set aside a judgment?

To ask a court to set aside (cancel) a court order or judgment, you have to file a “request for order to set aside,” sometimes called a “motion to set aside” or “motion to vacate.” The terms “set aside” or “vacate” a court order basically mean to “cancel” or undo that order to start over on a particular issue.

What happens at a hearing to set aside Judgement?

Usually a court will agree to set aside judgment if you can show that you did not receive any court papers and therefore were not aware of the court case against you. When you make your application to set aside judgment the court will fix a hearing date. Both you and the Claimant will have to go to this hearing.