Is BlahTherapy anonymous?

Is BlahTherapy anonymous?

BlahTherapy is a website where you can chat anonymously with strangers, taking on the role of a “listener” or a “venter.” BlahTherapy has options for individual anonymous chats, as well as forums where you can post a topic or question and anyone on the site can respond.

Is there a website where I can vent?

It’s no surprise, then, that we describe ourselves as feeling “bottled up” when we’ve got something major to vent. And now there’s a new way to do it online at

Where can I express my feelings online?

Whisper. The app allows you to express yourself online, lets you connect with likeminded individuals, and discover the unseen world around you. Whisper is a very popular anonymous sharing apps. Since launching two years ago, it is generating billions of page views a month.

How can I write anonymously online?

The best sites to write anonymously

  1. Telegraph., a web app by the same authors as Telegram that lets you create and share a post very quickly and easily, without the need of an account.
  2. txt. fyi.
  3. lets you write and publish text instantly.

How do you write anonymous?

One should write an anonymous letter much like they’d write a normal letter. Include the address of your target in the letter, but exclude yours. Keep the top-right area of the letter blank. Instead, begin the letter with the date on the top-left and then your target’s address immediately below it.

How do you write what you feel?

How to Express Your Feelings on Paper

  1. Try Free Writing. Free writing is just what it sounds like.
  2. Write About Your Experiences in The Third Person With Yourself as The Main Character.
  3. Commit to Writing on a Regular Basis.
  4. Write How it Was Then Write How You Wanted it to Be.
  5. Use Simple Language.
  6. Write Letters.
  7. Conclusion.

Where can I post my writing?

These online story sharing sites can help you get feedback, fans, and more!

  • Commaful. One of the most friendly writing communities I’ve come across.
  • Wattpad. One of the largest libraries of stories on the internet, primarily teen-focused.
  • Figment (RIP)
  • Medium.
  • FictionPress.
  • Smashwords.
  • Archive of our Own.

How do writers get paid?

How to Become a Freelance Writer (and get paid what you’re worth)

  1. Commit to Becoming a Freelance Writer.
  2. Decide on Your Writing Niche.
  3. Get Freelance Writing Samples.
  4. Create Your Portfolio.
  5. Market Your Writing Services on Social Media.
  6. Source Freelance Writing Jobs You Can Apply For.
  7. If You Want to Become a Freelance Writer, You Have to Start Pitching.
  8. Land Your First Client.

Which social media is best for writers?

Here are the results of which are the most beneficial to a writer, in order of importance.

  • Twitter. Twitter has a real writer and blogger network.
  • Instagram. Instagram is another platform that has a real writer community.
  • Litsy. Litsy is a relatively new platform and many may not have heard of it.
  • Facebook.
  • Snapchat.