Can you be separated and live in the same house in NJ?

Can you be separated and live in the same house in NJ?

Note also that you and your spouse don’t have to be living in separate residences for a separation agreement to be valid. In fact, there are instances of individuals living in the same house even after a divorce, usually for economic reasons.

Can you date while separated in NJ?

The very nature of a divorce or separation is that the parties are ending their life together and moving on. Dating while you are still married is adultery under New Jersey law, which is one of the grounds for divorce available.

How much alimony will I get in NJ?

In terms of how long alimony should be paid, for marriages of up to 10 years or so, people are often agreeing to 1/2 of the length of the marriage (but again, if the matter actually goes to a trial, judges are bound by the law, which says that for marriages of less than 20 years, normally a judge can order alimony for …

How long is divorce process in NJ?

six to eight weeks

How long after divorce can you remarry in NJ?

You may wonder when you are able to remarry after your divorce. In New Jersey, you are free to remarry at any point after your divorce is final. However, you must be certain your divorce is actually official and final. It is not final until the judgment of divorce is signed by the Judge.

How much does divorce cost in NJ?

The cost to file a divorce complaint in NJ is $300.00. In addition, if child support, child custody, or child visitation are issues in the divorce, the person who files must also pay a mandatory $25.00 fee to take a parent education class.

Who pays for divorce in NJ?

There is no rule in family law cases that the party who files for divorce or begins the custody dispute must pay for the other party’s attorney. There is, however, authority in the law for a judge to potentially require one person to advance or pay the other party’s fees.

How much is an uncontested divorce in NJ?

To file for an uncontested divorce: All forms and the $300 filing fee are still required. Defendant should file an Appearance forms stating that the defendant does not contest the divorce, but is prepared to appear before the court on whatever issues the two spouses will be resolving in the divorce.

Do you need a lawyer to get divorce in NJ?

You can file for a divorce in New Jersey without legal representation. As a New Jersey divorce lawyer, I may be a bit biased, but no one recommends getting a divorce without first getting legal representation.

Is New Jersey a 50/50 divorce state?

It is important, in matters of divorce, to understand the difference between “equal” and “equitable.” While some states allow for a strict 50/50 (equal) division of property in a divorce, New Jersey is an equitable division state.