How much does it cost to file for divorce in Philadelphia PA?

How much does it cost to file for divorce in Philadelphia PA?

In Philadelphia, a divorce complaint is filed with the Clerk of Family Court at 1501 Arch Street, 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA. What is the cost? The filing fee is $333.73.

What is considered legally separated in PA?

According to Pennsylvania Divorce Code, the date of separation is the date upon which the parties are living separate and apart. By definition separate and apart is the cessation of cohabitation, whether living in the same residence or not.

Does Adultery Affect Divorce in PA?

Although you can no longer be sued or prosecuted for adultery in Pennsylvania, courts will consider adultery when dividing a divorcing couple’s property. Adultery usually won’t affect child custody and visitation in a divorce, unless the unfaithful spouse’s relationship had or has a negative impact on the children.

How quickly can you get divorced in Pennsylvania?

To obtain a no-fault divorce, you and your spouse must have been separated for two years before filing or you both must consent to the divorce. Additionally, a judge won’t grant your no-fault divorce right away. Once you’ve filed your case, there is a 90-day waiting period before your divorce can be finalized.