How much does it cost to file for separation in North Carolina?

How much does it cost to file for separation in North Carolina?

The cost for filing an Absolute Divorce in North Carolina is $225.00, which is payable to the Clerk of Court in the county in which you are filing. In addition to this initial filing fee, you may also choose to resume your maiden name, which is an additional $10.00.

Do you have to have legal separation papers in NC?

To qualify for an absolute divorce in North Carolina, you must be legally separated for at least one year and a day. You do not need a separation agreement, nor do you have to file any papers or documents to be separated in North Carolina.

Can you be separated and live in the same house in NC?

A married couple cannot live in the same house if they want to be legally separated. North Carolina law refers to separation, but not to legal separation. When a person says that they want a legal separation, it is important to determine what the goal or need is, if any, beyond merely separating physically.