What do you do when you no longer love your spouse?

What do you do when you no longer love your spouse?

Take responsibility, forgive yourself, and then let it go. 3) Have real a heart-to-heart conversation with your spouse. Show him/her why you feel like you do and see if they are willing to go and get professional couples' therapy. (However, if you are leaving the marriage because of abuse, no sit down is needed.

What are the signs that your husband no longer loves you?

Absence. One very prominent sign that your husband doesn't love you anymore is his absence. Millions of men across the world who fall out of love with their wives usually start coming home late or spending more time away. They may find excuses such as increased work pressure, which cause them to work for longer hours.

Can you still love someone but not be in love with them?

This is a roundabout way of saying you love them, but aren't really in love with them. And that's OK. It's possible to love someone and care about what happens to them, and yet not love them in a romantic, long-lasting kind of way.