Can I get married while my divorce is in process in India?

Can I get married while my divorce is in process in India?

Till the time your Divorce proceedings are pending in Court, whether its Contested or Mutual Consent Divorce, you cannot legally marry another person. As a matter of fact, you cannot marry again till the expiry of 6 months from the date of Divorce. *I’m assuming that parties are governed by Hindu Marriage Act.

When can a person marry after divorce?

The Family Law Act 1975 stipulates that a person is legally allowed to remarry one month and a single day after they receive an order for divorce. Before your new marriage can be formalised, you will need to present a Certificate of Divorce to the celebrant.

Is it OK to start dating during a divorce?

Getting divorced can be really emotionally painful and bringing someone new into the picture at this point in time might not be the best option. Most professionals advise to wait at least a year after your divorce to begin dating again. This allows your children to settle in, as well as yourself.