How do you convince someone to divorce you?

How do you convince someone to divorce you?

Use ā€œIā€ statements, focus on neutral language, report how you feel, and be sympathetic about his/her feelings. Say ā€œI know this is difficult to hear, but our marriage is finished and I want a divorce. I don't believe marital counseling will fix our relationship, but we might benefit from seeing individual therapists.ā€

How does divorce affect someone?

Going through a divorce can be extremely traumatic for everyone involved. People who undergo divorce face a variety of psychological issues including increased stress, lower life satisfaction, depression, increased medical visits, and an overall increase in mortality risk compared to those who remain married.

Can I process my own divorce?

The 'simplified' (do-it-yourself) divorce or dissolution procedure is available in law, but is not suitable for everyone. For example, you can't use it if you have young children. As a guide, you're likely to be able to sort out your divorce or dissolution yourself if: There are no children aged under the age of 16.