What percentage of couples work together?

What percentage of couples work together?

Just consider this: 22 percent of US married couples in the U.S. met at work. That means there's either an incredibly high conversion rate among those employees who say they're open to romances or—more likely—a whole lot of employees are more open to office romance than they think (or will admit to).

Is it good for husband and wife to work together?

Working with your spouse surely has an impact on your personal relationship, and some couples say working and building a business together has made their personal relationship stronger, deepening their trust and appreciation and making both their business and marriage more successful.

Which couple is at increased risk of divorce?

Younger adults are at a higher risk of divorce than older adults. Much of this spawns from maturity and self-discovery. Even though 18 is considered the age of adulthood here in America, many adults spend a portion of their early 20's growing up and discovering who they truly are and want to be.

What percentage of marriages stay together?

This percentage comes, naturally, from the divorce rate. In February 2012 PolitiFact.com stated that the "overall probability of marriages now ending in divorce falls between 40% and 50%." We tend to assume that the 50% (or 60%) who stay together do so happily.