What does it mean when a lawyer files a motion?

What does it mean when a lawyer files a motion?

A motion, in its simplest form is a list of requests that you are asking the Court grant on your behalf. You, or your attorney on your behalf, will file a Notice of Motion which includes a list of requests for the court to rule upon.

Can a judge deny a motion?

The judge will either grant or deny the motion. If it is granted, the case is over and the defendant wins. If the motion is denied, as it usually is, the defense is given the opportunity to present its evidence.

Do judges read motions?

Judges read the opposing attorney’s filings as well and will be sure to contrast your presentation and arguments with the opposition’s. So whenever you set out to write a motion, make sure it could only improve your credibility before you submit it.

Do judges read letters?

Most courts will accept copies of electronically delivered letters, but be sure to check with the attorney first. Remember that judges read hundreds of letters. The easier you make it for the judge to read, the most likely the judge will be able to focus on the message you are trying to convey.

Can I write directly to a judge?

You cannot write the judge a personal letter or email, and you cannot speak to the judge unless you are in a hearing. Why can’t I communicate directly with the judge on my case? Judges are not allowed to communicate with individual parties on their own. This is what the law calls an ex-parte communication.

Does writing a letter to a judge help?

However, when a person is awaiting trial, writing a letter to the judge will not help. At best, the letter will go unread by the judge, and will be of no help. In a worst-case scenario, the letter will end up being used by the prosecution as evidence against that person.

Will going to AA help my DUI case?

Attending AA classes could be beneficial when negotiating a plea agreement. It is possible to get DUI charges dismissed or reduced to lesser charges, even with BAC levels much higher than yours.

Is it worth fighting a DUI?

Yes. Unlike traffic violations like speeding and improper passing, which generally carry fines and sometimes, points on your driver’s license, a DUI can strip you of your driver’s license, saddle you with high fees and fines, and even land you in jail. …

How can I beat a DUI case without a lawyer?

The best DUI defense strategies you can get without a lawyer, always works by using free legal advice obtained from an arrest review to know specifically how to fight BAC test evidence, or lack thereof due to refusing breath tests and the prosecution having a weak case from the start.

Is it worth getting a lawyer for a DUI?

When you hire a private DUI lawyer, it’s typically to represent you in DMV proceedings and criminal court. However, hiring a private DUI attorney (assuming you can afford one) can be well worth it. Of course, when you’re retaining an attorney, you get to decide who that attorney will be.