How does custody work when one parent moves out of state?

How does custody work when one parent moves out of state?

An out-of-state custody agreement generally grants one parent sole physical custody and the other parent visitation rights. If a parent who shares joint custody moves to another state, custody generally transfers to the other parent because children tend to do best in a place they’re familiar with.

At what age can a child decide which parent they want to live with in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, according to Tenn. Code Ann. \xa7 36-6-106, there are several factors which a family court judge must take into consideration when they are deciding child custody. Section 13 of the General Custody Provisions allows for The reasonable preference of the child if twelve (12) years of age or older.

What does a 60/40 custody schedule look like?

A 60/40 custody schedule means a child spends about 60% of their time in the care of one parent and 40% with the other. That works out to 4 nights per week with the main carer and 3 overnights with the “60% parent”. Children are considered to have two homes and live with both parents under joint custody.

How many nights a year is shared care?

Shared care 128 to 237 nights a year.