How soon can you get a divorce after marriage in Texas?

How soon can you get a divorce after marriage in Texas?

Texas requires a 60-day cooling off period after filing a petition for divorce. No final order for divorce may be entered into the court record before this 60-day period has expired. Some divorces may be granted as soon as the 60-day period passes; however, other divorces may take much longer.

Can my wife change the locks on my house?

However the position can differ slightly depending on, which party legally owns the property. Both proprietors have the right to change the locks. If you change the locks, your spouse is entitled regain access to the property without your consent.

Can I break into my own house?

Yes, you can break into your own house. You are in fact giving yourself permission to break in.

What happens if my husband changed the locks?

Yes, you legally can change the locks. Of course, you’re still married, so your spouse has just as much of a right to be in the house (or apartment, or condo) as you do. This means your spouse can get a locksmith to pick the lock and get back in. (This happens all the time.)