Is a separation agreement the same as a divorce?

Is a separation agreement the same as a divorce?

In many ways, a legal separation is the same as a divorce. Both include final custody, visitation, child support, and if appropriate, alimony orders. All the family assets and debts are permanently divided. The biggest difference is that if you have a legal separation, you are still technically married.

Is there such a thing as legal separation in Texas?

You cannot get a legal separation instead of a divorce in Texas. Texas law does not recognize legal separations. All of these options are similar to a legal separation because they are ways to provide visitation, financial support, and property orders without getting a divorce, or before the divorce is finalized.

What does legal separation mean in Texas?

Legal separation is like divorce in that you or the judge will decide the same divorce-related issues, but in the end, you and your spouse are still legally married, despite physically living apart. Any spouse that wishes to remarry later must first ask the court to convert the separation into a formal divorce.