What are fathers rights in Colorado?

What are fathers rights in Colorado?

Under Colorado law, fathers enjoy equal rights and opportunities to the raising of their children. So long as the court determines that it is in the children’s best interests, fathers may enjoy equal or even greater parenting time that the mother.

Is Colorado a 50/50 child custody State?

Typically, judges in Colorado order parents to share legal custody or have joint legal custody (called joint parental responsibilities). However, the 50/50 split of joint physical custody has at times been found difficult to implement, especially when the parents live in different states.

What right do I have as a father?

As a father, having parental responsibility provides you with equal rights and responsibilities in respect of the child as the mother or anyone else who has parental responsibility. Representing your child during legal proceedings. Deciding where your child should live. Deciding on your child’s religious upbringing.

Is Colorado a father friendly state?

Colorado is one of the most favorable states for fathers going through a divorce or in a child custody dispute. There is no Colorado law that makes equal parenting time the default. However, according to the study most Colorado legal professionals confirmed that the most commonly awarded schedule is 50/50.

At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in CO?

At What Age Can a Child Decide Which Parent To Live With in Colorado? The judge ruling upon your divorce case will take your child’s wishes into account when determining custody. A child between the ages of 12-14 will be given the opportunity to state which parent they would prefer to live with primarily.

What is the child support percentage in Colorado?


At what age does child support stop in Colorado?


What is the minimum amount of child support in Colorado?

7)(a)(II)(D) provides for a minimum support obligation applies unless both parents have at least 93 overnights. The monthly obligation is: $50 for 1 child. $70 for 2 children.

Does child support end at 18 or graduation?

“Other cause” has generally come to mean that child support is payable up until a child has finished their first post-secondary degree or diploma. The Alberta Guidelines say that child support can continue for a child between the ages of 18 and 22 if that child is a full-time student.

What happens when a child turns 18 with child support?

Normally child support stops when your child turns 18. If your child’s in secondary study, you can apply to extend it to the end of the school year.