What happens after a default judgment?

What happens after a default judgment?

If the court has entered a default judgment against you, the plaintiff can collect it like any other judgment. If you do not think the default judgment was appropriately entered against you, you must file a motion with the court asking the judge to “set aside” (void or nullify) the judgment.

What happens when a default Judgement is entered?

What happens once default judgment is given? Once a default judgment is obtained, a party can commence enforcement action against you – this can include the sheriff seizing your personal property, bankruptcy or obtaining an order to sell your house.

Does a default Judgement affect my credit?

As such, the court case would be a result of a financial dispute between yourself and a creditor. Hence, the court outcome would incur a default judgement payment against you. A default judgment is an outcome of a debt collection process. Consequently, your credit file records the negative result of a court hearing.

How is perjury different from lying?

How is perjury different from making false statements? To commit perjury, you have to be under oath, and you have to knowingly fib about something that’s relevant to the case at hand. (Your statement must also be literally false—lies of omission don’t count.)