Can you change your last name to your partner without getting married?

Can you change your last name to your partner without getting married?

If as a couple you do not want to get married (or enter into a civil partnership), it is entirely within your rights for one or both of you to change your surname to match your partner's, giving the appearance of a married couple.

Do you change your surname in a civil partnership?

As with marriage, there is no legal requirement for either couple in a civil partnership to change their surname. In some circumstances, your civil partnership certificate will be sufficient evidence. In other circumstances, a legal document called a deed poll (or 'deed of change of name') is necessary.

Can a man legally take his wife’s last name?

While a man taking his wife's name is uncommon, it's not unheard of. That's because, depending on the state, your husband's name change may not be considered part of the marriage process, but instead is seen as a legal name change where a marriage license isn't enough.