Is it okay to marry your third cousin?

Is it okay to marry your third cousin?

It's legal in all 50 states to marry a cousin who's your second cousin or further. Third and fourth cousin marriages are the, quote, “best of both worlds.” They're breakfast food for dinner. You avoid the inbreeding risks of closer cousins, but your genes are just close enough that they naturally work well together.

Are third cousins really related?

Are third cousins blood related? Third cousins are always considered to be relatives from a genealogical perspective, and there is about a 90% chance that third cousins will share DNA. With that said, third cousins who do share DNA only share an average of .

Is it common for cousins to marry?

In the United States, second cousins are legally allowed to marry in every state. However, marriage between first cousins is legal in only about half of the American states. All in all, marrying your cousin or half-sibling will largely depend on the laws where you live and personal and/or cultural beliefs.